10:30 to 12:00
(1st Sunday of month only)
A joint service with our friends at UCLG held in the church at Longwell Green opposite Aldi.
Doors open at 10am for a continental breakfast. This is an informal family service held on the 1st Sunday of each month with live music, teaching and prayer. Everyone welcome.
09:00 to 10:00
(Except 3rd Sunday of month)
St. anne’s Church Oldland Common
Our early morning
Holy Communion service held in the church at St. Anne’s. This is a quieter more traditional service with less music and more time for reflection and prayer. There are usually no children or young people at this service.
Morning Praise
10:30 to 12:00
(Except 1st Sunday of month)
st. Anne’s Church Oldland Common
This is an informal all age family service held in the church with live music, prayer teaching and ministry. Children's and youth programmes. Tea and coffee are available in the Orchard Rooms after the service if you want to stay and chat. Everyone welcome.
Watch our recordings